----- Original
Message -----
From: Cathbleue
To: picabiette
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 11:51 PM
Subject: Le mystère des trois p'tits chats
Faux cul, cul de jatte, jatte de lait, lait de cheval...
False bottom,
bottom of bowl, milk bowl, milk of horse...
Three p'
tits cats, three p' tits cats, three p' tits cats cats, cats
Straw hat, straw hat, straw hat, straw, straw
Door mat, door mat, door mat, sson, sson
Sleepwalker, sleepwalker, sleepwalker, bule, bule
Bulletin, bulletin, bulletin, chock, chock
Tintamare Tintamare Tintamare, pond pond
Marabout (ter), end boils *
Boils of string (for the third time) that, that
Saddle of ch' valley (for the third time) ch' valley, ch' valley
Ch' valley of race (for the third time), race, race
Race with foot (for the third time), foot, foot
Foot with ground (for the third time), ground, ground
Terrassier (for the third time), ssier, ssier
To saw wood (for the third time), wood, wood
Hot drink (for the third time), heat, heat
Boiler (for the third time), ière, ière **
Yesterday at the evening (for the third time), evening, evening
Evening of winter (for the third time), worm, worm
Vermifuge (for the third time), fuge, fuge
Fugitive (for the third time), hair, hair
Typhoid (for the third time), ïde, ïde
Identical (for the third time), tick, tick
Nervous twitch (for the third time), want, want
Widow of war (for the third time), war, war
Troy, Trojan War (for the third time), Troy
Three p' tits cats (for the third time), cats, cats...
Perpetua ah ah ah
Cayl Star C Star
All three good devoted!
Trois p'tits
chats, trois p'tits chats, trois p'tits chats chats, chats
Chapeau d'paille, chapeau d'paille, chapeau d'paille, paille, paille
Paillasson, paillasson, paillasson, sson, sson
Somnambule, somnambule,somnambule, bule, bule
Bulletin, bulletin, bulletin, tin, tin
Tintamare Tintamare Tintamare, mare mare
Marabout (ter),bout bout*
Bout d'ficelle (ter) celle, celle
Selle de ch'val (ter) ch'val, ch'val
Ch'val de course (ter), course, course
Course à pied (ter), pied, pied
Pied à terre (ter), terre, terre
Terrassier (ter), ssier, ssier
Scier du bois (ter), bois, bois
Boisson chaude (ter), chaude, chaude
Chaudière (ter), ière, ière**
Hier au soir (ter), soir, soir
Soir d'hiver (ter), ver, ver
Vermifuge (ter), fuge, fuge
Fugitif (ter), tif, tif
Typhoïde (ter), ïde, ïde
Identique (ter), tique, tique
Tic nerveux (ter), veux , veux
Veuve de guerre (ter), guerre, guerre
Guerre de Troie (ter), Troie, Troie
Trois p'tits chats (ter), chats, chats...
Perpetua ah ah ah
Cayl étoile C étoile
Tous les trois bien dévoués !
Y fait tard maintenant, je mangerais bien un petit quelque chose.
Ya des baraques à frites qui brillent là où tu es
à Oulan Oude ...
: Ok je t'envoie l'argent demain mais ne dépense pas tout en tricot
et en broderie.