The other point
is which of multiple reference earth ellipsoid data is the required.
The most accurate satellite based ellipsoid is called WGS84 but Russia
very often use their own reference ellipsoids. Depending on this the distance
between two points may vary on the projected map.
I apologize, but I don't really understand your question.
On the internet I found the following pages:
See attached a few maps that I extracted from Microsofts Encarta World Atlas
If you have
any further question please let me know.
Best regards
Jürgen Heyn, Wilhelmshaven, Germany
----- Original Message -----
From: Cathbleue
Cc: Picabiette
Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 6:15 PM
Subject: Trans Sibérian railroad ?
Hello Juergen
I have visited your web site and I suppose you are a good cartographer.
I have a problem that I have to solve. perhaps you could help me to know
how to use the mathematical calculations.
So, in order to be precise the question or the problem to solve is :
"On the Trans Siberian Railroad, From Point Est Railroad station
kilometer 5717 to the Point Est Railroad station kilometer 5751, that
is to say 34 kilometers, it takes 47 minutes exactly, with three intermediate
stops with Orongoj, Ubukun and Telman ".
Do you think the Trans Siberian railroad path is reduced with Peter's
map ?
And if we succeed to be more precise : Do you think the Trans Siberian
railroad path between kilometer 5717 to kilometer 5751 is reduced with
Peter's map ?
In which way ?
I saw that you have tools (mathematical calculations) to calculate the
mentionned distance with the Peter's map.
Do you need latitudes and longitudes of the mentionned places to do it
Do you need the scale of the map ?
Or can you give me the way to calculate by my self.
The mathematical calculations seems a little bit complex for me. And I'm
not sure to know how to use it.